
Home > Leg Relief > Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager

How I Went From Taking Painkillers Just to Be Able to Relieve My Pain… To Walking, Standing and Even Running Freely Again!

How I Went From Taking Painkillers Just to Be Able to Relieve My Pain… To Walking, Standing and Even Running Freely Again!

NEVER Visit Another Doctor Until You Try THIS!

By Michelle Scott |

Beware of doctors who under treat and downplay the seriousness of neuropathy! 

I've been suffering from pain and swelling in my lower legs for a few years now, and it's gotten worse since I hurt my back and can't get around as much or walk long distances.

My doctor of over seven years just shrugged it off and said "It's probably just neuropathy, nothing serious.

He had recommended Furosemide (Lasix) and a bunch of other painkillers. But I complained to him of the constipation, stomach cramping that I have been having as a result of this drug. I noticed some slight headache, dizziness, and sometimes I feel as if my room is spinning around me. 

First he said I was anxious, and stressed out. Later, he said I should get used to living in constant pain. 

The night before my last visit with him, I had trouble sleeping for hours throughout the night. And as I spoke, I felt a sharp cramp on my calves. I couldn't help but react.

Then he said, with a wry smile: "Nobody should live beyond 75." I was 69. 

I could not believe that with all the technological advancements, there is no way I could relieve the tingling and burning pain in my feet. I refused to condone his arrogance.

After I fired him I decided to look for a solution. 

I began to search the Internet. I discovered that one of the medications my former doctor had prescribed to me, Gabapentin for my pain, had possible side effects of Neuropathy.

After several calls and appointments, I finally met the man who seemed to have the answer, Dr. Rotella.

After several calls and appointments, I finally met the man who seemed to have the answer, Dr. Rotella.

He’s a prominent expert on neuropathy. Dr. Rotella has spent a large part of his practice creating ingenious solutions that help reverse his patients' neuropathy. 

In his website, I saw several testimonials from men and women, especially seniors like me, who claimed that he had literally turned their lives around.  

And, after a brief chat, I knew that he was the one I was looking for. Without mincing words, he went straight to the point.

He began by explaining, “When your nerves are damaged or injured, you develop a condition called neuropathy. Neuropathy causes permanent nerve damage that can occur anywhere in your body, especially around your legs and feet. This is called peripheral neuropathy.”

As he continued to explain the real root cause of my neuropathy, the next words that came out from him made me jolt in shock:

"Your Foot Nerves Are Suffocating And Dying Gradually"

"Your Foot Nerves Are Suffocating And Dying Gradually"

Then he continued to explain, as scales began to fall from my eyes. 

As it turns out, the nerve cells in our legs and feet (just like all the other cells in our body) demand a steady supply of oxygen in order to function properly.

From the lungs, this oxygen enters into our body, goes straight to the heart, and then through the bloodstream, is supplied across the body. 

This system works in perfect harmony, until we begin to get older. Because normal aging causes a reduction in total body water, there is less fluid in the bloodstream which lowers blood volume.

When there is less blood in the body, it becomes difficult for the heart to deliver the right amount of oxygen to all the cells in different body parts.

And if you are a diabetic, this gets EVEN worse, because when you have excess blood sugar, this decreases the elasticity of blood vessels and causes them to thin out.

And this greatly obstructs blood flow.

So what happens now is that the oxygen supply to the peripheral nerves is reduced drastically. This is what leads to nerve tissue damage or degeneration.

And while these nerves are out of oxygen, this causes burning pain, unbearable tingling, and ultimately numbness. It’s their last way of calling for attention and help.

So while you are reading this:

Some nerve cells in your legs are already suffocating and dying off, because they are not getting enough oxygen from the blood.

I wonder why nobody talks about these things. The sad part is…

Most Painkillers That Doctors Prescribe for Neuropathy Actually Do Make It Worse!

Most Painkillers That Doctors Prescribe for Neuropathy Actually Do Make It Worse!

I want you to know that doctors are just normal people. "Trust but confirm" is always a good policy for important complex interactions. As a patient, you should share the responsibility of having good health discussions with your physicians. 

It’s just like using air freshener to cover up a rotten smell instead of finding and fixing the source of the odor - the fragrance masks the issue temporarily, but the underlying cause remains.

You are just turning a blind eye to the real root cause.

Moreover, painkillers are also likely to give you a laundry list of unexpected side effects - from getting a queasy stomach to kidney failure, and even cardiovascular problems.

The bottomline is this: When you feel pain, tingling, and numbness, your body is sending you warning signs. And you must stop neglecting these danger signs before it’s too late.

But it’s not all bad news…

If You Are Still Feeling Pain And Tingling in Your Legs…

If You Are Still Feeling Pain And Tingling in Your Legs…

That is Actually Good News!

Because nerve cells cause burning and tingling as they begin to shrink. And when you do nothing to revive it back… 

Then they just go numb when they die.

That is why if you are still feeling burning and tingling, it means that some of your cells are still alive.

Why does this matter big time? 

Because National Institute of Health has observed that:

“Peripheral nerves have the ability to REGENERATE as long as the underlying nerve cell has not been killed”

This means that as long as your nerves are still alive, there’s a chance that you can reverse the damage and relieve the symptoms of neuropathy.

After wandering for some minutes, in my thoughts …

Dr. Rotella Assured Me That There’s A Way To Alleviate My Neuropathy

Dr. Rotella Assured Me That There’s A Way To Alleviate My Neuropathy

And that way is to increase the blood flow in your legs.

If you can increase blood flow to your legs, Dr. Rotella explained, the nerve cells can finally get the much-needed oxygen, and you can alleviate the symptoms of neuropathy.

But how do you increase your blood flow?

Normal medicine suggests that moving around is the best way to increase circulation.

But when we are in pain, the last thing we want to do is move around.  

So I asked Dr. Rotella, the same question everyone seems to be asking…

What’s the solution?

And that was the first time I ever heard the words PowerFlow Technology™

The Breakthrough Technology Designed To Deliver Targeted Relief And Rejuvenation To Tired, Achy Legs

The Breakthrough Technology Designed To Deliver Targeted Relief And Rejuvenation To Tired, Achy Legs

Dr. Rotella had partnered with a small med tech startup Postur to create a simple home-use massager. This massager uses state-of-the-art Power Flow Technology to treat neuropathic leg pain.

He called it the Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager.

This massager works using a groundbreaking technology to deliver targeted relief and rejuvenation to tired, achy legs. By providing a dynamic combination of compression and massage, it revitalizes and regenerates tired legs burdened by neuropathic discomfort. 

This compression allows your foot nerves to receive the oxygen they require in order to recover. When this happens, it becomes easier for the nerves in your legs to start repairing and healing themselves. Which now reduces the burning, tingling, and numbness that you have been experiencing. 

The heat therapy provided by this massager helps to dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the legs. By enhancing your blood flow, the Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager

promotes delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the affected tissues. This aids in tissue repair which reduces swelling associated with neuropathy.

This gives you back the freedom to do those things that you love without the constant foot pain, burning, and swelling that has trapped you in your own body. 

The Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager Is Different From Every Other Solution I’ve Tried Before

The Postur Leg Heated Air MassagerIs Different From Every Other Solution I’ve Tried Before

Let me tell you this. I have tried pretty much everything under the sun. But my experience with the Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager is unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life. 

Compared to the amount of pills I’ve taken, and all the physical therapies I did, this device is many miles more powerful because it actually focuses on alleviating pain and fatigue while revitalizing your tired legs burdened by neuropathic discomfort. And this is what solves the actual root cause of your neuropathy.

After about two weeks, I was able to work without pain. I could stand for as long as I wanted. I could walk without any pain, and sleeping at night was like a breeze. I woke up feeling pain free.

So How Do You Use Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager For Best Results? 

So How Do You Use Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager

 For Best Results? 

Very simple. You simply strap your legs inside the pad, and then use the controller to select the mode and the intensity level of your massage. 

For best results, you want to use it twice for 10 minutes a day. We suggest you use it when you rise up in the morning, and just before you go to bed. The PowerFlow Technology takes about 10 - 15 minutes to penetrate into your legs tissue and awaken those damaged nerves. 

At first the massage may feel weird, but over time, after several sessions, you’ll get used to it. Even more important is the results, which you’re going to love. 

As the pain begins to fade, the tingling sensation will slowly diminish. 

And before you know it, you’ll see yourself standing and walking without pain, even running without any discomfort. You’ll find yourself living a life you never thought you could live again.

See what Anne, 70, Says About Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager

See what Anne, 70, Says About Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager

"If you have Peripheral Neuropathy or know someone who does... get this massager!

Shortly after having a major surgery and going through a large dose of Prednisone therapy, who knew that so many things could go wrong as a result? Peripheral Neuropathy was one of the outcomes.

And you know what really hurts? When you go to see the doctor and you complain that you have feeling complete numbness in your legs. And that your legs are so restless that you can’t sleep at night.. And after a few examinations they say.. Well… There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s just a natural part of healing and aging…

Really? I’m just 70 years old. I got another 10 years at least because of our family longevity... But I’m starting to be really concerned about my future mobility aside from my grandkids calling me falling grandma. 

Then I saw the Postur advertisement and decided to give it a try. And until I found this massager, I didn't have much relief or understanding of this neuropathy issue. 

Then I put my legs on this massager and turned it on . And just 5 days later, I’m having sensations in my legs. I haven’t been able to feel the surface of my toes for 3 years. Now it’s just about 3 weeks and I have a complete feeling in my legs…Even the muscle cramps I used to have in my calves are no more. And best of all? No more ice packs or moving legs when I go to bed at night…

I use my Leg massager for about 10 minutes just twice a day. And I’m telling you, I’m so excited with this product! I have a good time with my grandkids and I’m no longer called falling grandma. Now I see a future where 10 years down the road I’ll not be sitting in a wheelchair just because I can’t walk! I feel awesome, thanks to Postur! "

Anne, 70

Or Notice The Difference It made To Gary, Suffering From Diabetic Neuropathy For Over 10 Years

Or Notice The Difference It made To Gary, Suffering From Diabetic Neuropathy For Over 10 Years

Here’s what he says:

Here from Gary himself: 

"Over 5 years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes. And now, I’ve had quite a bit of numbness and swelling in my legs.

I’ve tried several creams, physical massage and stuff… Though I get some relief, the numbness still keeps coming back. I try to steer off the meds because of the negative side effects about them!

Also I work all day standing on hard floors and my legs really get swollen by the end of day. So I bought this massager to relieve the pain and numbness. I was skeptical that something like this would really help but I was pleasantly surprised. The numbness and swelling has gone away and this still continues to feel great on my legs after a long day.

It took quite a few weeks before I began to notice the difference. And I’m happy to say I’ve been pain-free for almost 3 months now. Highly recommended for those who stand on their feet all day. "

Gary, 43

Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager Is Helping Thousands Of Neuropathic Folks Relieve Their Neuropathic Foot Pain

Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager Is Helping Thousands Of Neuropathic Folks Relieve Their Neuropathic Foot Pain

Check out Postur’s website, and you will find a ton of reviews from people like you.

Thanks to Postur, these people were able to get great relief from numbing foot pain, burning sensations, stiffness and swelling :

I know Dr. Rotella is receiving dozens of these kinds of emails everyday, because I’m still in touch with him. 

In his message inbox, he gets amazing stories from people within and outside the US whose life has been transformed by this effective and affordable Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager

These are the kinds of results that Dr. Rotella wants you to have.

Imagine waking up in the morning and experiencing that feeling of… NOTHING!

Imagine waking up in the morning and experiencing that feeling of… NOTHING!

As you can see, there’s a big world difference between living life with constant foot pain, stiffness and swelling, and between being able to do what's dearest to you.

Think about your legs right now,

How much does a bit of relief from those constant burning sensations, numbness and weakness mean to you?

How about getting an uninterrupted full night's sleep?

How much does it mean to be able to take a pain-free stroll with your loved one?

How much would this allow you to enjoy your daily life if there was less or no pain, stiffness and swelling in your legs?

Imagine waking up in the morning and experiencing that feeling of… pain free!

Can you imagine a life with No burning sensations? No swelling? No crutches? No limitations? Just FREEDOM?

Imagine sleeping well at night without any shooting pain that would keep you awake…

Imagine waking up and knowing that there is nothing that can stop you from jumping out of bed, full of energy!

Imagine finally regaining control over your life and body again!

Imagine doing all the things you love with your loved ones! 

Having fun with grandkids…

This feeling is priceless.

And today, I’m excited for you to experience it for yourself.

NOTE THIS: Postur Products Are Not Found In Department Stores, On Amazon Or Ebay!

NOTE THIS: Postur Products Are Not Found In Department Stores, On Amazon Or Ebay!

Why is that? Because Dr. Rotella and his team at Postur don’t want any markup on their prices by middlemen. 

This means you will never pay $597 for this device.

Dr. Rotella mission along with PowerFlow Technology is to provide cutting edge foot pain solutions to as many people as possible. Solutons without all the setbacks and side effects.

That’s the major reason why Dr. Rotella and the Postur team sell directly to their customers.

And to achieve this, Dr. Rotella heavily relies on word of mouth. A good product, he believes, will spread by itself, through word of mouth.  

And that’s why I’m sharing this message of how his Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager has changed my life. 

And that’s why you’ll not be paying the $597 - which is the recommended price for a product with such life transforming capacity. 

Dr. Rotella does not believe price should stand in your way. 

That’s why you won’t be paying half either. 

So even if you find their official website charging $399 per massager, you will not have to pay that amount today.  

Via This Link ONLY, you can get your Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager for a simple one-time fee of 

just $199.95!

Yes, just $199.95.

Even that was not enough for Dr. Rotella!

Because when I shared my story with him, he was touched by it.

It moved him so deeply that he discussed the Postur idea, and decided to do something unheard of.

And they came up with a one-time special offer for the reader’s of this article of mine…

With the hope that you’ll help spread the word and share this with anyone who might also benefit from this information.

So right now, you can try Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager for only $99.95 .

Yes, just $99.95.

That’s 50% off the regular price that is listed on the Postur’s official website.

If you think this is crazy, read this…

Dr. Rotella : “You Don’t Have To Make A Decision Now!”

Dr. Rotella : “You Don’t Have To Make A Decision Now!”

See… Dr. Rotella wanted to completely eliminate the risk from all buyers.

He’s so firm and confident in the effectiveness of his device that without a second thought he provided an iron clad 90-day results or refund money back guarantee .

He doesn’t want you to spend a dime until you are 100% certain that it works for you.

This means if you aren’t absolutely thrilled about your results, Postur will refund you every penny you paid.

He’s making this guarantee because he’s confident you’re going to love the results you’re going to experience with your new Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager.

Now you have 3 full months to test the Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager and see for yourself how quickly it can relieve pain, burning, tingling, and numbness.

So click the big Button “APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY” button below.

Apply Discount & Check Availability
Apply Discount & Check Availability

If your don’t get the relief you’re looking for or you think there’s better solution on the market for your condition, Dr. Rotella's team will return 100% of your purchase price.

And no this is not a type of guarantee that every other company does nowadays.

This is no gimmick.

Want proof?

Try emailing or calling Postur’s customer service.

You can literally reach them 24/7.

Simply call their support team at +1 929-437-6754 or email them at

You can also find this information on their official encrypted website.

They respond to every single email within minutes.

They answer every single phone call…

It may sound out-of-fashion but at Postur, they make us, their customers, their absolute #1 priority .

I’m a living example of that being true.

WARNING: By The Time You’ll Be Reading This, This Offer May Already Be Sold Out!

WARNING: By The Time You’ll Be Reading This, This Offer May Already Be Sold Out!

Postur has already sold out 3 times in the past.

And this current stock is selling out faster than anyone could have anticipated.

So I encourage you to act fast.

Because chances are by the time you’ll be reading this… the stock may have been already sold out again .

So without further ado…

Here’s What to Do Next

Here’s What to Do Next

Click that big Button “APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY” button below.

It’s going to take you straight to Postur’s official, encrypted website.

You will get there the special one-time deal reserved for the reader’s of this article.

Here all you need to do is click the button that says “GET 50% OFF TODAY ONLY” and your discount code will be automatically applied.

From there, you’ll go straight to the checkout page where you just need to enter your name, address, and credit card information.

…And select your favorite package

I suggest you get the most popular Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager.

So click the big button below and order your Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massagerr today at up to 50% OFF!

Apply Discount & Check Availability
Apply Discount & Check Availability

The Only Risk You Could Possibly Face Is One Of Pain And Regret If You Miss Out

The Only Risk You Could Possibly Face Is One Of Pain And Regret If You Miss Out

Now I’d like to take a moment to talk about what happens if you don’t act now.

Because the way I see it is you really have now 2 options that lead to 2 profoundly different realities.

See… neuropathy is a progressive condition.

This means that unless you start taking action early, it usually gets worse overtime.

Option #1:

Is to keep doing what you’ve been doing until now… Wasting time and money on solutions that you and I both know don’t work…

And basically letting the nerves in your Legs die - one by one…

Until your Legs go completely numb and you are left in a wheelchair.

Option #2:

You can make the smart decision to try Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager and at least have a chance to turn things around in weeks to come.

Remember - You’ve got nothing to lose .

Either it works as advertised and you’ll experience a massive relief.

OR you’ll get 100% of your money back.

Either way, it’s better than just giving up and doing nothing.

I still thank God every day that I discovered the Postur 3-in-1 Leg Air Massager

It saved my life.

And I’m just one of 1000+ people who will tell you that.

You owe it to yourself to give it a shot.

It's time to do the smart thing, the right thing for you and your family while you still can.

Click the button below to apply your discount and give yourself a shot at normal life, free of pain, burning, and tingling.

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Katie Martin

I bought these for my husband's edema with swollen legs and feet. Really works for that. Highly recommended!

· Reply ·  12 · 30 minutes ago

Kristen Hall

Relieves me of the pain and swelling from my lymphedema

Now that I’m sitting so much I suffer from lymphedema in my feet. This device provides tremendous relief and the swelling in my feet is visibly reduced!

· Reply ·  8 · 58 minutes ago

Dan Dixon

Works great. Swelling on my legs has gone. I feel so relieved!

· Reply ·  50 · 1 hour ago

Helen Vann

My mom has swollen legs and ankles. Very painful to stand on. I got this for her. She does about 2 sessions a day. Swelling has decreased. She doesn't feel as much pain. Now she can walk more without her cane! Wow, unbelievable!

· Reply ·  4 · 2 hours ago

Clara Milton

Great for circulation in legs

Was on bedrest for a while. But these helped with keeping up the circulation in my legs. It does feel good.

· Reply ·  5 · 2 Hours ago

Anna Chesney

Helps improve my circulation

Using it after a long day at work is a wonder. The different settings/cycles makes it relaxing and good for circulation. Helps me sleep better too!

· Reply ·  56 · 3 hours ago

Patricia Barnes

It was purchased as a gift for my mother in law. After a few sessions, she feels great improvement. The blood circulation has improved. It helped a lot. If you need more blood circulation, we highly recommend this product.

· Reply ·  19 · 3 hours ago

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The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. 

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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