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My Doctor Recommended This, And It Made Me Sleep So Much Better! I Only Wish I Knew About This Sooner...

With 5600+ 5-Star Reviews And Doctors Loving It, Why Not Try It Yourself?

My Doctor Recommended This, And It Made Me Sleep So Much Better! I Only Wish I Knew About This Sooner...

With 5600+ 5-Star Reviews And Doctors Loving It, Why Not Try It Yourself?

By Michelle Scott |

In this article, you'll learn why it seems impossible to get a good night’s sleep and what the real solution is (hint: even most doctors don't know this!)

I am 65 and usually do not sleep more than three hours without having to get up. I wish I could sleep longer, and continuously, because a few hours of sleep at night make me feel light-headed and listless during the day.

My doctor recommended that I try sleeping pills, relaxation techniques, plus all sorts of other treatments. None of them helped

It was super frustrating and mentally draining. I couldn't concentrate on my everyday tasks and lacked the energy to make the most of my weekends. I was extremely worried about what my future would look like if my sleeping pattern didn't improve.

But I didn't want to sit around and do nothing. I knew that I had to fix the problem, otherwise my life would be terrible and I'd have no one to blame but myself. So I spent hours every day researching. Looking for a way to sleep better.

That's when I stumbled across a doctor that changed everything!

I knew that stress is a big factor and that it had to be addressed before I could sleep better. But I had no idea why things just won’t improve no matter what I tried. Even after resting my mind for what felt like forever, the inability to sleep was still there.

But this doctor explained that the reason why my sleep problem just wouldn't go away was because my brain was not getting enough levels of an important neurotransmitter that regulates mood and behavior and has a powerful effect in inducing sleep. I didn't realize it at first, but it made complete sense.

The doctor further explained that once the brain is deprived of the neurotransmitter, a person experiences difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep which can impair optimum cognitive functions.  

The solution was obvious at this point. My brain needs to get more of that neurotransmitter to enable me to sleep and not get up every now and then in the middle of the night.

Why did none of my previous doctors tell me this? I was furious but also extremely hopeful

The doctor then recommended a product called the Sleep Patch by Postur

Since everything my doctor told me so far made so much sense and had already helped me more than anything else so far, I decided to give it a go.

At first, I was skeptical. I didn't see how a patch would help me sleep better. But after getting this Postur Sleep Patch and using it, I drifted into a deep sleep after less than 10 minutes! The ‘on-and-off’ pattern was 80% gone within the first few days. After using it for a few weeks, I was sleeping almost immediately after going to bed and staying so until the next morning!

I felt so relieved that I didn't have to depend on sleeping pills and was able to get back to living a normal life naturally.

Curious about exactly how it worked, I went back to my doctor to ask. This is what I was told:

"The Postur-Sleep Patch contains the sleep hormone melatonin, valerian root, hops, magnesium, and 5-HTP. It uses proprietary Osmotic Absorption Technology to release them directly into the cells. This raises the level of neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain to quickly induce deep and long-lasting sleep.“

Seeing how fast and continuously I slept each night, I knew that Healthy Lab Co really did something right.

If you're suffering from any sort of sleeping difficulty, you NEED the Sleep Patch by Postur

Whether you have difficulty falling asleep, wakes up easily at the slightest noise, sleeps on-and-off, gets up every now and then, or simply not sleeping enough because of age, the root cause of it all is the inadequate serotonin level in your brain. 

By using the Postur Sleep Patch, you increase your serotonin level which is vital in helping you sleep. 

Trust me, I've been through it all, and it scares me to know that if this one doctor didn't tell me about this, I'd still be suffering from lack of sleep today.

What's even scarier is knowing that with each night that I am unable to sleep, my brain is closer to never being able to function the way it should. My cognitive abilities will be affected, and it can even lead to dementia!

Don't sit around hoping for your sleep difficulties to go away. And don't rely on sleeping pills that only mask the problem and can lead to addiction. Your brain needs increased serotonin levels to help you sleep faster, deeper, and longer!

Click here to get the Postur Sleep Patch today and start sleeping better.

The Postur Sleep Patch worked so well that I have stocked up for a 3-month supply!

I use a Sleep Patch when I go to bed because it helps me to fall asleep faster and deeper until morning. I no longer wake up in the middle of the might unlike before, and I get the full amount of rest I need to function well during the day. 

Even a day of not getting enough sleep can put your brain and cognitive functions at risk of impairment. So I have ordered enough Postur-Sleep Patches to make sure that not one night will pass without me getting the sufficient amount of sleep I need to feel good and refreshed. 

At the time that I ordered, Postur was offering a special promotion for a 3-month supply in answer to the wave of demand following its introduction. 

Have a look when you place your order to see if you can still get 3 or even more boxes of Postur Sleep Patch at a discounted rate. I highly recommend getting at least 3 boxes like I did, just in case it gets sold out soon.

What makes the Postur Sleep Patch better than other sleep patches?

Is the Postur Sleep Patch better than sleeping pills, relaxation techniques, or light therapy? 

While all those things do help a bit, they don't actually target the root problem, which is the insufficient level of serotonin in the brain which is preventing you from quickly falling asleep and staying deeply asleep through the night. 

Plus, unlike a light therapy session, you can use the Postur Sleep Patch device whenever and wherever you want. There's no need to pay $100 per hour to consult a specialist. 

Constantly putting drugs into my system to be able to sleep wasn't an option for me either. I wanted something that actually treats the root cause of my sleeping difficulties instead of covering it up as sleeping pills do. 

In the end, medication and assorted therapies only provide sleep for a few hours maximum. To get a full night’s sleep, you must fix the root cause of the issue. To do so, you need to increase the serotonin level in your brain to enjoy fast, deep, and continuous sleep all night, every night.

If you want to sleep better and promote long-term brain and cognitive health, you should get the Postur Sleep Patch from Postur.


Try Risk-Free For 45 Days & Love It Or Your Money Back

Get 55% Off For A Limited Time (First 200 Customers Only)

Try Risk-Free For 45 Days & Love It Or Your Money Back

Get 55% Off For A Limited Time (First 200 Customers Only)

If you're suffering from an inability to sleep and want a real solution, there's no reason not to try the Postur Sleep Patch by Postur

The Postur Sleep Patch is not available in stores and can only be found online through the link on this page.

Now that you've discovered how you can finally sleep better and longer, all you have to do is:

  1. Go to the official Postur Sleep Patch website to place your order
  2. Sleep faster in minutes
  3. Use daily to sleep better and longer

When you use this link, you'll also get access to a limited-time 55% OFF discount

The Postur Sleep Patch usually retails for $79 , but today with your 55% off discount.

That's a HUGE total saving of 55% by taking advantage of this limited-time reader-only special.

Don't sit around waiting and hoping, you don't have forever...

If you don't make a change, your sleep problem won't magically disappear. It'll keep getting worse because your brain lacks serotonin that’s the key to a deep and satisfying sleep. You can only get it from the Postur-Sleep Patch to start sleeping like never before!

Take it from me, I suffered from sleeping difficulties for years before I finally found this. And the results have been incredible.

Don't let your sleep debt build up and impair your brain and cognitive functions.

Thousands of people are already grabbing the Postur Sleep Patch for themselves. In the last 6 months, Postur Co has sold out over 5 times already.

If you really want to sleep better and return to a normal life, get it before it's sold out.

Postur-Tech even gets rid of all the risk with their '45-Day Sleep Better Or Your Money Back' guarantee

That means that if you don't sleep better and deeper within 45 days, you can ask them for a refund.

Even if you're at the 45-day mark and, for whatever reason, you're unhappy with the Postur Sleep Patch, you can return it for a refund. That means there's absolutely no risk.

With this, there's no reason not to try it!

To take advantage of this limited-time offer, click the yellow button below…

NOTE: This discount is a reader-only special and can ONLY be accessed through this page today. This offer will not be available anywhere else. Due to limited stock, this is only available for the first 200 customers.

**IMPORTANT UPDATE: : Since this article was written, the company has informed us that demand has never been higher. Stock is dangerously low and could be sold out any day now. Don't forget to claim your 55% discount right away.



4.9 | 6,398 Reviews

Postur Sleep Patch:

Scientifically proven to improve sleep quality

Made of natural ingredients

98% of users felt less tired the next day.

We guarantee your most restful sleep ever, within 45 days, or your money back.

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